Friday, October 3, 2014

38 weeks

(Note: this is a birth story.  A long birth story.  A birth story;)  You've been warned;))


I'm convinced we are meant to walk through life together hand in hand with open hands.

It's amazing to me the similarities and differences between Judah and Silas' birth stories.

Differences, really.

It's so funny, ironic funny- with Silas' birth I was SO open-minded, so no-I-will-not-have-a-birth-plan, all-that-matters-is-healthy-baby-healthy-mama-plan.  And so when that whole, long day of labor with him went up and down and this way and that way and back and forth between c-section/no c-section, again and again... I was flexible.  I was chill.  Sure, I had some emotion through it, but it didn't jar me because I knew, this was why I didn't have a birth plan.  Whatever happened, happened.  Healthy baby, healthy mama- that's what mattered.

And it certainly is what mattered this time to, with Judah, but I gotta tell ya- even though I didn't have a "plan", I did have expectations.  And those expectations pretty much included things going as they did when I had Silas.

Maybe it's because I had such a cozy experience with Silas (please note: gross and painful, YES.  But there's a ton of fond memories of his birth still.  Mostly post-epidural;)  But still;)).  Maybe it's because Silas' birth was just what I was familiar with.  I just expected Judah to come a couple weeks early, with my water breaking in the night, and to push him out swiftly.  There were a couple things I hoped could be different:  I hoped the damage of it all and recovery would be a lot smoother, because I've heard the 2nd time around, that's often the case.  I thought maybe this time I could do it without the epidural, since I knew more what to expect.  I looked forward to hopefully having him handed right to me (Silas had already decided to take his first potty in me so he needed to go get some care before they brought him over, and then I was shaking too badly to hold him for a bit.).  And  I certainly hoped I wouldn't be in the hospital for 18 hrs before he was born;)

And some of those things were different.  In fact, most of Judah's birth story is different from Silas'.  But not really in a cozy way.

And there were similarities: from the start, actually.  My water broke with Silas at 1:37am.  I guess both my boys liked starting mama sleep deprived because with Judah I woke up to contractions at 1:30am.

I was sleeping, and woke up uncomfortable and having to go to the bathroom:  please read "another normal night's rest for a 9 month pregnant lady".

Let me back up a smidge:

I had had some back pain the night before while me and Jason ate dinner and before I went to bed- the same as I had with Silas- and had kinda wondered if this was gonna be the night.  We had actually gone walking that evening with my goal being to go into labor (I had been doing a LOT of walking with those hopes that week;)).  Oh, and on that walk some random lady looked at me (my belly, really) with disgust (DISGUST) and fear and said "When are you DUE???" I told her in a couple weeks.  Shoulda told her in a few hours! :-)

Let me back up a lot more:

Since I was first pregnant with Judah I had hopes and assumptions that he would come early since Silas did.  I joked a lot about hoping he would come "exactly 2 weeks early"!  This was mainly because I'm a miserable pregnant lady.  I don't do pregnancy well.  After this hot, long pregnant summer, I knew by 38 weeks I would feel DONE.

But as the prenatal appointments and ultrasounds went on throughout my term, there was another reason I wanted him to come early.  Since Silas had had a birth injury and herb palsy, Judah was at a high risk for having that, to a worse extent, as well.  And if he was on the big-baby end of things (which he was measuring big) then my doctor really recommended scheduling a c-section for 39 weeks.  Jason and I had agreed this would be the plan- it just was not worth the risk (Silas was 10 days early, and thankfully only had the palsy for a month.  It could have been much worse, especially if he had been in utero any longer and gotten any larger before being born). 

We did an ultrasound for Judah at 36 weeks to see if he was still measuring big- he was indeed, already guestimated to be 6 lbs. 11 oz!  This definitely tipped things toward the c-section plan if he hit 39 weeks.  There was just one more problem too:  we found out at the ultrasound that Judah was breech.  Yet another thing that helped tip the scales toward a c-section at 39 weeks.  But if I went into labor before that, the doctor was confident he could turn him and he still wouldn't be too big for a vaginal delivery.  So my walk-myself-into-labor plan ensued, not to mention all the crazy things to try to flip the baby. We scheduled another appointment and ultrasound for 38 weeks 1 day, so that we could check his size again and see if he was still breech.  At that point, we would schedule the c-section for the next week if he was still breech/big. If that was the case, I was going to come home from that appointment and do all my research on c-sections and ask all the questions I had.

I should have probably done that after my first prenatal appointment when the doctor initially breathed the possibility of a c-section to me.

Flash forward to where I started:

It's 1:30am and I go to the bathroom, trying to figure out if the uncomfortableness is just normal achy-third-trimester stuff or what.  I got back in bed and lay there wondering.  Definitely this feels different from normal stuff.... maybe it's braxton hicks?  Hmmm this is definitely coming and going in a pattern.... maybe I should check the time.... Ok, yeah, coming and going every 10-12 minutes.... And so I lay there watching the time and trying to figure it out for a half an hour.  Then I got up and decided... it was time to google. ;)

Since the two things I had imagined happening with this birth were c-section or water-break, I was kinda at a loss.  How long in between should contractions be?  When do we go to the hospital?  What if this is false labor??

And so I googled and googled and then when I felt pretty sure that this was indeed labor I prioritized:  I needed to take a few more maternity pictures and format my memory card so my camera was good to go to the hospital. ;)

And so I snapped some last minute shots in between contractions:

And I wrote down my contraction times, which were getting to be about 7 minutes apart... and were hurting quite a bit more...

Yeah, time to wake up Jason... (ummm PAST time to wake up Jason!).  I woke him up telling him a casual hey babe, I'm having contractions, thought you should know, may need your help speech.

It was now 3am, and my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart and reallllly starting to hurt.

Jason called the doctor's office and talked to the emergency nurse, who was like "YES go to the hospital, sheesh."  Ok, not quite in those words, but pretty much ;)

We called our friends who were our take-care-of-Silas-plan and after all those "Hey, can we call you in the middle of the night" jokes- har har!- we really did need them in the middle of the night :)  We grabbed our hospital bags and last minute stuff, and then our friend arrived- right when I was in the middle of one of the stronger contractions;)  Hey, I'm just bent over in the middle of the kitchen floor, unable to speak or acknowledge my gratitude at your presence- just give me a minute and I'll say hi, I promise! ;)  We got out of the house and into the car, and off to the hospital!

The ride to the hospital was AWFUL.  I was in full-blown death contractions that were now only 1-2 minutes apart.  I took this video during one those short breaks;)  As I learned with my labor with Silas, my way of getting through contractions is to walk and then stoop over through the worst of it.  NOT to sit buckled in a car seat- OUCH.  Poor Jason, it was quite the show;)  I swear we hit every red light, which was pointless because there were no other cars on the road!  Okay, except for the one red light that we weren't quite as patient to wait through (I mean, we had been waiting for a LONG time and I was in SO much pain).  Of course, when we decided to just move on ahead, then there was another car on the road.... ahem.... sorry sir, but really, I'm about to have a baby here!!

We got to the hospital and of course all the "if you are in labor" parking spots were taken, so we just took a clergy spot instead;)  I could hardly get myself into the hospital with all the crazy contractions.  Once inside, Jason really wanted to get me a wheelchair so he could plow ahead at full speed, but I refused: contractions and me sitting down do NOT mix, remember?  When we got to the check-in desk, we had to wait in line, and mother of pearl, I was having such strong, such ugly contractions back to back- not to mention total panic that I was going to have this baby on their hallway floor (why did I take so many pictures and google??).  The people checking in in front of me were either not experiencing labor or they were in the baby-contraction stage.  Let me tell you, it was all I could do to not be like "yo, some of us are in real labor here, could ya hurry it along please??" But instead I went down the hall to die from contractions and let Jason hold my place in line ;)

Once we had made it through check-in (at 4:07am), they took me to triage.  They skipped this step in my labor with Silas, since I was gushing water everywhere, and it definitely was no fun to have to go through this time.  Um, hello- YES I'm in active labor here (insert collapse from death contraction).  OH, you need to check me now?  Yippee.  ;)  I actually found myself at this point to be much more independent and assertive then I was during labor with Silas (though still quite polite, at least according to Jason- he says he was always impressed with how polite I was to everyone through it all- just to be clear here;)).  When they said they had to check me, I asked them to wait and do it as soon as the next contraction ended, since I knew from labor with Silas, getting checked through contractions was utter torture.  As soon as the next contraction ended, I succumbed to the check-age.  This is where I got to know the lady me and Jason named "gorilla nurse".  Let's just say her level of check-age nearly sent me to the moon and back, and as I scooted away from her in pain and with impending doom of the next contraction starting, she decided to yell at me.  "Emily!! EMILY!!! Stay with me!!! EMILY!!!!"  Please note, this was in a scolding, gorilla-nurse tone and I amazingly (AMAZINGLY) did not yell back;)

Turns out gorilla-nurse said I was already at 6cm and... baby was still breech.  My heart sank, for sure.  Here I thought, if this baby comes early enough, I won't need a c-section, cause he won't weigh too much!! And if he's still breech, the doctor can flip him!! But Jason asked the question I unfortunately knew in my gut the answer to: "Is it too late for the doctor to flip him?"  Gorilla-nurse and the rest of her clan apparently thought this was hilarious as they burst into laughter.  Real funny guys, real funny.

Contractions were awesome at this point (har!), and as I went through a really strong one, one of the nurses asked me about my pain scale and said "I take it that one was a 10?"  But I knew from Silas' labor it actually could get a tish worse, so I answered her "More like an 8 or 9 actually".  Glad I never lost my ability to reason ;)  Gorilla nurse was really helpful with the contractions too- I asked Jason to rub my lower back with a flat hand doing circles (this is what felt good to me and helped- I think I should know), and gorilla nurse was like "No, do it like this" and shoved her fist into my lower back- now, I get the whole counter-pressure thing- this wasn't my first rodeo, and with Silas' labor they tried this too, but I'm telling ya, IT DIDN'T HELP.  I was trying to tell my husband what to do that I knew would help and really did not need gorilla nurse stepping in to correct us all;)  So, as they started getting things prepped for the c-section my mind focused on one and only one important question:  when would I be getting the drugs???  The contractions were only getting stronger and uglier, and while gorilla nurse had mentioned getting me something to slow them down, it didn't look likely to actually happen (and it never did).  I also knew, unlike the pain of the contractions with Silas' labor, that these contractions were utterly pointless since I was going to be having a c-section.  Nothing like experiencing such tremendous pain without any point to it at all- uff.  They then responded to my drug request by giving me a lot of play-by-plays of what would happen over the next chunk of time, and I wanted to burst out "I don't care, just DO it all so I can get the drugs and not have this baby breech on your floor!" But instead I doubled over from contractions.  Finally the anesthesiologist came in, and I'm pretty sure I've never, ever been so happy to meet someone in my life.  Unfortunately he introduced himself and then went right into a whole speech of what the drugs were and how it was going to happen, blah blah- I DON'T CARE, GET ME THE GOODS AND SOMEONE MOVE THIS C-SECTION TRAIN ALONG PAH-LEEEEEEZE."  But instead of actually shouting all that, I remained polite and thought about my funeral.

Finally, they showed me the wheelchair I had to get in so they could truck me down to the O.R.- great, now I really do have to sit in one of those;)  That was a LONG hallway we had to get down (it really wasn't- but heavens it felt like 10 miles).  They wheeled me along while I died from contractions and threw all whoa-I'm-in-public-now decency out the window.  As we neared the O.R., I finally had one moment of calm and hope when I heard my doctor's voice (note, when I had Silas my doc was on vaca in Rhode Island and I had a surprise, new-to-me doctor.  This time I really didn't expect to have my doctor there because this practice had 7 doctors who all just rotated days for deliveries).  Up to this point, I was somewhat on the fence about my doctor- I mean I really was happy with him over-all, but not quite as sold-out as I was with Silas' doc (mainly due to my loyalty issues;)).  But at the moment I heard him say hello to us and saw him there, I became totally sold-out.  I was so relieved to see a familiar face, and realized in that moment how much I did indeed trust him.  We got in the O.R. and by now the contractions were definitely hitting "10" level; and unfortunately Jason was not in the O.R. yet (I hadn't even realized he was gone, until soon after we got in there and I couldn't find him.  My sweet doctor noticed my frantic eyes searching and let me know he was getting prepped and would be in there once we were all ready.  Again, another A+ for my doc who was still aware of me and communicating well with me, amongst the chaos.)  Well, husband gone meant no hand to death-squeeze, so as I felt the doom of another contraction about to start, I burst out "Can I squeeze someone's hand??"  My doc and another nurse were very gracious to let me kill their hands- at one point my doctor joked (maybe somewhat seriously?) "Hey, I'm gonna need that hand for surgery!"  Har, har!  I almost considered this and relinquished some force, but then as the contraction grew stronger I decided I needed to squeeze harder instead ;)  I heard a nurse or someone ask the anesthesiologist "Should we put monitors on?" and let me tell you, I could SEE that packet with the spinal tap.  I could SEE the anesthesiologist.  But I could NOT see the light at the end of this pain tunnel- it felt like to me everyone was dawdling and dragging their feet through the whole process and relief would never come.  Now, I recognize that this couldn't have quite been the case- we checked into the hospital at 4:07am and Judah arrived at 5:07am- quick!!  But maybe it was a little the case, because after the anesthesiologist said yes to getting monitors on, my (awesome) doctor super firmly said "No!  We don't need to put monitors on- we know what we need to do!  We need to get this baby out, now!"  My. Hero. ;)  I finally sensed the room snap to the speed of urgency that I was feeling.  Next thing I knew I was in the "sit still through contractions" position of death to get the spinal tap.  And soon after that, pain free!

In a way though it was then harder than being in labor pains.  Instead of thinking about the pain/needing relief of pain/I'll do anything to get rid of this pain, I now could think about what was minutes away from happening.

A c-section, and the arrival of our baby boy.


Just 3 hours sooner was when I woke up to what I wasn't even sure were contractions.  And now they were scooting me onto an O.R. table, and I looked up at the huge O.R. light like you'd see on TV, and I thought about how they were about to cut me open, and where was Jason??

I don't remember if it was the doctor or a nurse this time that noticed my panicked eyes searching again, but someone assured me again, he'd be here soon.

I'm convinced we are meant to walk through life together hand in hand with open hands.

With Silas I was so much more open-minded to a c-section.  I wasn't this time.  Willing, yes.  Healthy baby, healthy mama, yes.  But here's the deal:  I wanted that 2nd time around to be more familiar, not as scary, me not as clueless.  I knew the thrill of pushing out a baby while a room full of people cheered you on, and I wanted that thrill again.  I wanted a smoother recovery, not a worse one.  I didn't want to be cut open, and I really didn't want to be cut open while I was conscious the whole time for it.  I wanted to see and hold my baby right away.  And I didn't want to be broken physically in 2 places from 2 different types of births.

And I wish I could tell you that these fears and hesitations went away with my overcoming glee at the thought of my baby's soon arrival... that they went away with the strength to do whatever I had to do... but the truth is that all the sudden Jason was there and the curtain was up and I was left just as a head, and they told me I would feel some pressure, and I just had to stare at Jason's eyes the whole time to keep from thinking about what I was feeling and what was happening to me.  And I cried.  And I cried and I cried through the whole thing, and I stared at Jason with the strongest gaze and he was so precious as he locked eyes back and rested his hand on my head and stroked my forehead with his thumb and he prayed for me.

And I cried and tried not to think about the pressure.

Maybe it's because they often refer to vaginal deliveries as just that, you deliver your baby; but then you hear about a c-section and it's when they take the baby; and that's how it felt.  It felt like they took him.  Like I didn't deliver him.  Like this happened to me, and I felt like a victim, laying there with only my head and then the curtain, and then when he came out, I saw him for not even a second before they took him away and I had to lay there for 40 minutes being sown up, unable to see him and unable to be a part of what everyone else was a part of in that room.

And I asked a million times, over and over, "Is he okay?"  "Is he okay?"  "Is he okay?"  Because he had to be on oxygen and so he wasn't crying and I couldn't see him, and everyone else could, and I was petrified that everyone else could see something they didn't want me to know.  "Is he okay??"

And there was a nurse at my head who was an angel, she kept trying to tell me as much of what was going on as she could: they're doing this with him, he's doing that... she was amazing.  She even then offered to wipe off all my smeared and streaming non-water-proof eye make-up so I'd be ready for some pictures when the time came, and when it did, she offered to take many!

And he was okay, and after an eternity they brought him to Jason who rested sweet Judah at my head:


Judah Elias Hart was born at 5:07am, 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 20 inches long.  And he was perfect :)

They then wheeled me in the bed back to my room and situated me there- holy tags/IVs/and random junk I was connected to!  They even had my legs wrapped in these things that vibrated to keep them from clotting.  I felt pretty smothered;)  But very happy to be through the surgery and settled in our room as the 3 of us!

Soon after getting settled though, the itchiness and nausea hit- fun side effects from the spinal and over-all trauma of the surgery.  As the nausea increased, so did my dread.  I told Jason I was getting very nauseous, but that I COULDN'T throw up- no, no, no way- this was gonna HURT.  And as I explained to him all the reasons I couldn't dare throw up, and he non-chalently looked for a trash can, I then proceeded to lose it- alllll over myself and the bed (sitting up/bending over were not possible to do myself at this point.  Of course, puking itself was quite the trip having just had major abdominal surgery;)).  Uff.

The nausea was done after that though, and they got me some meds for the itching (and a dry washcloth to use- I scratched that thing all over my face relentlessly!;)). 

The crazy thing about a c-section is you kinda feel like you never really finished the labor pains.  Not that the recovery pains are the same as labor pains, but the still-being-in-a-ton-of-pain feeling was quite there.  I had alot of... girly... pain after Silas' birth for sure.  But this was definitely worse.  It's amazing to me how many things we do require the use of our abdomen- I could do nearly nothing in the movement realm without help from someone.  If I started to move in a way that used my stomach muscles, I swiftly stopped from the agony of it.  Thankfully they kept me on some strong drugs, and boy could I tell when it was getting near time to take more.  I found myself focusing on my feet a lot, since they weren't in pain and I could move them myself.  It may sound silly, but it seriously really helped to just think about that.

The time in the hospital though was just about as euphoric as the stay with Silas was.  I will say, this hospital wasn't quite as fabulous as his was (maybe partly though because apparently every woman in Greenville decided to give birth those next couple of days- they said their rooms were full and they had women waiting in delivery rooms still to be moved to regular rooms!) but it was still great, and I had just as much of a "just-had-a-baby-high" as I did with Silas:)  I really enjoyed the time with Jason- we got to talk a lot and snuggle Judah and watch TV and in a strange way it felt like a date;)  It was also great to get time with just Judah, since coming home meant juggling 2 boys, and having to divide attention.

Recovery in the hospital was certainly rough- I doubt I'll ever forget the first time they had me practice walking- even with Jason and a nurse helping me, it took forever and felt like climbing Mt. Everest.  But while recovery was certainly difficult physically in the hospital and also once home, it became also very difficult emotionally once home.  It's one thing to be a patient in the hospital- that makes sense.  The hospital bed made sense.  The constant need for help made sense.  And it was re-assuring to have nurses constantly checking on me and Judah.  But once home, I didn't want to be a patient any more.  It didn't feel right.  I wanted to be a mama.  I wanted to be a wife.  I wanted to feel human;)  I didn't want to be so needy and dependent and un-well in my home.   I couldn't even sit down or stand up without help.  Not to mention I also came home to my precious 2 year old who just wanted "Mommy truck?"- Silas language for "Mommy play with me?" I wanted to play with him!  I wanted to hold him and care for him, and be the same mommy to him I was before rushing off to the hospital.  But I couldn't.  And with all this emotion, I was still in plenty of pain- heavens.  It was crazy the new "fears" you face post-c-section: the fear of sneezing, coughing or laughing- OUCH.  The fear of things being too far out of reach!  The fear of dropping things (nope, can't pick it up!  Curse you gravity!;)).  Needing help for so many seemingly simple things was quite overwhelming.  Yeah, transitioning to home was NOT easy.

And even though you need so much help and are so dependent and are so limited, you still don't get a "plush" recovery.  I mean, normally you'd have surgery and load up on movies and snacks.  Take it easy for a while, pamper your poor self.  Not so much the case with a c-section.  You get to have major abdominal surgery and spend recovery with a newborn (and whichever other lils you have at home).  So recovery from this surgery gets to be joined with intense sleep deprivation, night sweats, breast feeding, engorgement, shifting hormones, baby blues, diaper changes, and other mommy-related/postpartum joys.  

Please know, I'm not saying any of this to complain, and I'm certainly not saying all this was anything less than TOTALLY worth it- I'm just telling my story, and in a way wanting to write it down so I don't forget how hard this was.  Is?  I don't want to forget this, because down the road when memories fade and I know of that young mama who has a c-section, I want to be there for her like so many have been there for me.  I want to relate to what she's going through.  I want to not sugar coat it with her, and I want to avoid phrases like "Enjoy every moment!" ;)

Thankfully (or whatever word means thankfully 1,000x stronger) my in-laws were able to come in from Iowa as soon as they knew we had Judah.  They took over caring for Silas for our other friends when they arrived, and were able to stay for my first week home, and helped immensely!  Then Jason was able to take off work for a week and a half after they left.  So I had a good chunk of time to have lots of help before jumping back into full gear.

There were tons of other ways people helped too- several helped with meals, watching Silas, encouragement and prayers, and gifts.

Feeling like you are so helpless (because really, you are) and needy is NOT easy- it is humbling and challenging in so many ways.  From the moment I went to the hospital, dignity and pride said sayonara- and unfortunately they didn't come back as we left the hospital;)  I am forever especially grateful to my husband who has definitely made it through some "or worse" times with me in our marriage.  And he didn't just make it through, y'all- he's absolutely shined as my sweet, tender, caring prince.  Beyond grateful.

And so I'm convinced, we are meant to walk through life together hand in hand with open hands.  God designed us to need each other and serve each other and help each other- to be channels for Him of His love and goodness and care.  I truly cannot imagine if I had gone through this without my husband.  Without my in-laws.  Without my parents.  Without all our family.  Without our friends.  Without my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Holding hands, and opening theirs to me with such generosity and kindness and help.  And I just want to live that way too, I want to be there for people, with my time and gifts and help and love and support. I want to hold hands back and live open-handedly and never, ever forget that this is how God designed us, and this is how we show Jesus, and this is how we love.  And this is how we get through, and how He gets us through. 

And getting through this has not been easy and it has not been pretty or glamorous and yes, my body is broken in 2 places from 2 different types of births, and that can be hard and that can be weird, but it was to give 2 lives; and really it reminds me of the One Who's body was ultimately broken for us to give us all life.

And the unbelievable joy and magic of being a mom and having two amazing boys is SO worth all the cost.  And my love and appreciation for my incredible husband could not be deeper.  I am SO thankful and praise Jesus for my wonderful family!!

A few more pictures!

Jason after the c-section and us getting Judah!!

Me after the c-section was over!
Judah getting oxygen (during the eternal wait where I couldn't see or hear him!)

 Our family of 4!!! (I will add, it was weird not having Silas at the hospital all the time- unlike when we had him, our family just wasn't complete at the hospital when he wasn't there!:))

 My in-laws, Silas, me and Judah on one of my "practice walks".  Jason took the pic;)  Silas loved "helping" with Judah, and still does!!

Our lil Angel, Judah!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

37 weeks

How far along?  37 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A bunch of Swiss Chard.  Really, BabyCenter??  Realy??
Total weight gain/loss:  Didn't gain any this week, so still at 20 lbs total.
Maternity clothes?  And improvising.
Stretch marks?  Yes.
Sleep:  Silas tried to start the day today at midnight.  Midnight.  And the battle continued till we all got up at 6am.
Best moment this week:  Our baby shower on Sunday!
Miss anything?  Sleep.  Been missing that since before my pregnancy with Silas ;-)
Movement:  Yes, and one of the cutest things the last few weeks is that I can feel him "jump" when there's suddenly a really loud noise!  Too cute :-)  Also, I TOTALLY heard a click-like noise a couple times when he moved- the good ol' internet informed me it's something catching with my pelvic bone when he moves certain ways, which makes sense since he's breech ;-)
Food cravings:  Chocolate and fall things- craving fall in general :-)
Symptoms:  Sciatica, the ol' lady walk;), and exhaustion.
 Showing?  Yes.
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out?  It's almost going all weirdly flat again...
 Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments?  Still trying to adjust Baby Hart to not be breech- maybe I have?  Maybe not?  Who knows! We shall see!
Emotions:  Been feeling calmer since knocking through a lot more of our to-do list.  Still pretty overwhelmed at how quickly time's flying! The shower made me a lot more excited too though!  I held a newborn size diaper today and it was like WHOA.  THAT SMALL???  :):)
Learned this week:  Was reminded that plans change HAHA ;-)  Since today was Labor Day and the shower is done, I was really planning on trying some tricks to get myself into labor.  But alas, after Silas' near all-nighter I decided to take it easy instead;)
So thankful for:  So many things!! My friend Sarah from Chattanooga came in for the weekend and was such a help, and Silas was THRILLED to have her here!  Also so thankful to the Lifeway Staff for our baby shower and the gifts!!  Last but not least, SO thankful that God provided a car last Tuesday on our hunt!  After many dead ends, He led us to exactly what we were looking for and within our pricing needs!  Praising Him!!!
Looking forward to:  Jason texted me today that I'm "clocking out" tonight when he gets home and I get the "day off" tomorrow too :-)  How cute and sweet is he?? :)  Excited to get through my personal to-do list and not have to do any Silas duties or cooking/cleaning duties!  Let the nesting take full force! ;)

Monday, August 25, 2014

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A head of romaine lettuce- but, prolly more accurately ;), at our ultrasound he "weighed" 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Total weight gain/loss:  20 lbs total gained.
Maternity clothes?  As can be seen in this weeks picture (with the awesome white maternity tank showing under my belly), even they are getting small.
Stretch marks? Yes, a few.
Sleep: Torture.
Best moment this week:  Seeing our guy during the ultrasound!!
Miss anything? Snuggling Silas on my lap:/  He's been so randomly snuggley lately, and it hardly "works".  Sigh!
Movement:  Yes, lots still, mostly on my right side (more on that later!).
Food cravings:  Chocolate ice cream/milkshakes- SAME as this week with my pregnancy with Silas!  Crazy!!!  First time I made Jason go on a craving run was this week- for a chocolate milkshake :)
Symptoms: Klutzyness (please count it), uncomfortable/achiness, breathlessness.  But the heartburn has been better, so yay;)
 Showing? Oh yes.
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out? Out and purely 100% strange. 
 Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting into all kinds of positions to try to flip Baby Hart (spoiler for the thing I learned this week;)).
Emotions: Freaking out/nervous and excited- very excited to hold and see this lil guy:)  A little bit anxious about how these next few weeks will go down though;)
Learned this week:  That Baby Hart is BREECH! Or, at least he was at our appointment on Friday!  It explains the immense pelvis pain I've had- he's literally SITTING on my pelvic bone!  He's got ALL his hands and feet up by his head on my right side- hence ALL the movement I feel there!:)  I've been doing different (and yes, crazy) things to flip him though and I think it may have worked- things "feel" different and the pain is much better the last 2 days.  But I've also started up the prenatal yoga again (I lost track of that the last few weeks in the move) so maybe that's why I feel so much better.  Also, the doctor's been pretty concerned about him not being too big during birth, because of Silas' dystocia/herb palsy- and this guy's already weighing on the bigger end- so if he hasn't come by 39 weeks we will most likely be doing a C-section after that point.  Silas came at 38 weeks though, so I'm hoping this guy appears early too, and hence not too big for a vaginal delivery!  I'm planning on doing a LOT of "trying-to-go-into-labor" tricks on Labor day! ;):)  Oh and we also learned this guy has TONS of hair!!! We could see it in the ultrasound!!! Precious!!!!
So thankful for:  God's provision!  We took our van in to get checked out and found out several things were wrong with it and it was NOT safe to drive.  The repairs were more than the good ol' thing was worth, so we will be car hunting tomorrow.  So glad we found out about the safety issues before baby came, and now praying we find a new one asap!
Looking forward to:  Our baby shower this Sunday!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A honeydew melon :)
Total weight gain/loss:  Still know of the 19 gained- we have an appointment this Friday and will get an updated number then :)
Maternity clothes? Yes and they are seriously getting too tight/short- how can they not make maternity clothes to last the full time for heavens sake??
Stretch marks? Yes, several.  Mine as well look as beat up as I feel ;)
Sleep:  Awful.  I keep waking up SO uncomfortable, and it's torture to get my achy body outa bed and to the bathroom multiple times a night :p
Best moment this week:  Having Silas finally try to feel the baby move :)  Up until now he's been too distracted to have the patience and/or he's just been interested in tickling me ;)  Also, we got the nursery all ready to go this week!! Yayy!!!
Miss anything? Many things.
Movement:  Lots still, though I do think he seems to be getting crowded;)  He always kicks the same exact spot though and that is starting to get REALLY sore.
Food cravings: Fall/pumpkin things!! Craving fall in general!!!
Symptoms:  All the classics.  And clumsiness, if that can count.  Oh and the heartburn has gotten UNREAL:p
Showing?  People (strangers) have started asking me "how many weeks" I have left.  So, yes.
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out?  Out.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments? Adjusting to the realization that I just won't be able to fully adjust in ways I'd like.... if that makes sense...
Emotions: Freaking. Out.  Nesting/panic mode has fully set in.  I'm posting this instead of going to bed now like I was gonna because I'm nervous if my water breaks I will have been behind on this blog;)
Learned this week:  What nesting feels like (I didn't nest with Silas until the night my water broke, lol!  Been nesting now for several days and it's about to make me CRAZY).
So thankful for:  My hubby!!! He has been a LIFESAVER with his amazing help around the house/with Silas/ect.
Looking forward to:  My ultrasound and appointment on Friday!

Monday, August 11, 2014

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A cantaloupe.
Total weight gain/loss:  Didn't change at all from this appointment and the one a couple weeks ago, so still at 19 gained.
Maternity clothes?  And even they are getting tight. Ah, home stretch ;-)
Stretch marks?  Pretty sure yes, a couple.  Relieving in a strange way to see since I've felt like my belly's about to bust ;-)
Sleep:  So awful, so so awful.  Lots of pee breaks.  Lots of waking up in absolute pain, no not discomfort, pain from being in the same position for too long (even though it's only been like an hr since I last woke up and moved positions).  Then the roll of death to get on my other side, that takes way more time and energy than it should haha ;-)
Best moment this week: Celebrating Jason's birthday- both he and Silas' birthday celebrations this year have been super simple and laid back, and it's honestly been really special and extra fun to celebrate them more "creatively";) and with less stress and business:)
Miss anything? Raw cookie dough.  Having energy.  Being able to sleep.  Caffeine in unlimited quantities.  Being able to bend. 
Movement:  Lots still, though not quite as much as has been- not in a bad way, just in a I-think-he's-getting-crowded way;)
Food cravings:  Pepsi- During the move I may have gotten a couple fountain drinks (crazy, cause I'm NOT a soda drinker), and now I'm stuck with Pepsi cravings;)
Symptoms:  Can spilling things be a symptom?
Showing?  I don't know why but little kids always seem to have to say something.  And for some reason it always bugs me;)  This week, a random strange lil girl looks at me and out of the blue goes "So, I take it you're pregnant."  I was like "I hope so."
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out?  Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting to the bigger belly- I may be bumping the lil guy into stuff frequently:P
Emotions: Freaking out.  Jason and I had a moment of complete panic attack last Saturday morning at breakfast at how much we have to do before the mister comes.  Since Silas was 2 weeks early, we're trying to be more prepared for an early arrival ;)  So we made a to-do list for each day this week with the most important things to get done each day.  Let the "nesting" aka "yikes, holy cow, we're having a baby soon" mode begin!
Learned this week:  I feel like I just "learned" I'm pregnant.  Like, I've known it to this point, sure.  But now that the move and certification test are behind me, I feel like I really just "learned" that I'm pregnant.  Time to get busy;)
So thankful for:  A college friend and her mom came last Thursday to help me clean/unpack and she even brought some freezer meals!! Such a blessing and SO neat to catch up again with her!!  I also got to see a friend I knew from childhood and her family!!  So neat to reunite, and see our kidlets play together!!
Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery set up!

Monday, August 4, 2014

33 weeks

                      (new house spot again- and now with furniture in it!;-))

                                               How far along? 33 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A pineapple.
Total weight gain/loss:  Still the 19 gained I know of- we'll get  an updated weight check at my next appt. in a couple days :-)
Maternity clothes?  And alotta Jason's ;-)
Stretch marks?  Not sure?  I think there's a couple but they're hard for me to see on the bottom half of the big belly ;)
Sleep:  Rough.  Peeing a lot.  Achy a lot.  And trying to get used to sleeping in the new house ;-)
Best moment this week:  Moving into our new house!!! Crazy, but good crazy!!
Miss anything?  I miss my regular clothes ;-)  Unpacking into our nice new big walk-in-closet was a bit sad, since I'm really dressing out of a plastic tub of maternity clothes ;-)
Movement: Tons, tons, tons, and definitely hurts often ;-)
Food cravings:  Sweets. 
Symptoms:  A lot of the typical 3rd trimester stuff:-/  The back is starting to get especially sore:P
Showing? Oh, yes.
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out?  Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Adjusting to our new house!  Unpacking away!!
Emotions:  Well today was my huge interpreter's certification test in Atlanta, so NERVOUS has been a prominent emotion ;-) Now that it's over, I guess relief is one too;-)
Learned this week:  That unpacking a whole house, 33 weeks pregnant, with a toddler, is QUITE the challenge ;-)
So thankful for:  God's strength and calm He gave me through the test today; for the guys who helped us move; and for all being together as our little family in our new house!!
Looking forward to:  Getting more settled in this house, and getting the nursery ready! :-)

Monday, July 28, 2014

32 weeks

 (Side note: I forgot last week to say that that picture was the first one in the new house! This week's is the same spot, but now with our paint done!)

How far along? 32 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A jicama (yes, I had to google what that was.)
Total weight gain/loss:  Still the 19 I know of.
Maternity clothes?  Yes-ish ;-)
Stretch marks? Not sure- I may have a couple on the bottom half of the belly but quite frankly it's kinda hard to see ;-)  That or it's more of the crazy vein-age.
Sleep: Well, while Jason was staying at the new house this week to work on it before we move in, Silas decided to get up at 5am each morning.  And barely nap.  So not awesome.
                    Best moment this week:  Seeing all the progress on the new house!!!
Miss anything?  Not gonna miss this apartment, that's for sure ;-)
Movement:  Tons.
Food cravings: Chocolate.
Symptoms: Tired/weak feeling :-/
Showing? Oh, yes.
Gender:  Boy!!
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Making alotta adjustments to move in a couple days!!!
Emotions:  Nervous and excited about all that's happening and will happen in this next week- We move in a couple days, and my huge interpreter's certification test is in one week!  Eeeeeks!!!
Learned this week:  What a jicama is hehe ;-)
So thankful for:  God's amazing provision through this moving process and the new house!
Looking forward to:  Moving in a couple days!

Monday, July 21, 2014

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A coconut.
Total weight gain/loss:  Had a weight check today at my doc appt. and I'm at 19 pounds gained- same exact weight gain as I was with Silas at 31 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Let's not even talk about the crazy outfits I'm finagling.
Stretch marks? Not yet, but my body looks like a road map of vein-age.  A huge, convex, road map (enjoy the mental image).
Sleep: Hurts. 
Best moment this week:  Closing on our new house!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!
Miss anything? Having energy and mobility.
Movement: Tons and starting to frequently hurt.
Food cravings:  Sweets, sweets, sweets.
Symptoms: As this lady puts it so well, yes, I'm pretty sure I'm being introduced to my 75-year-old self ;)
Showing? Huge, convex, road map.  ;)
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out? Out.
 Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? First of all, I would like to go back in time to my 31-weeks-pregnant-with-Silas-self and smack her.  My answer to this then was how I was adjusting to "all the free time" I had since I was done at my job and could focus all on the baby, blah blah blah.  Shew, musta been nice ;)  Um this time, adjusting to not being able to hold my bladder.  Yeah, that's right.
Emotions: Excited, overwhelmed, scared to death, and happy! ;) :)
Learned this week:  That time is moving at the speed of light!  Gulp!
So thankful for:  My sis-in-law and her family coming for a long weekend to help! They came in on Friday when we closed on our house, and Joel helped Jason a ton doing the laminate there, while Carrie helped me here a ton at the apartment!!!  They left today which is sad, BUT also so thankful for my dad-in-law coming too which was an unplanned surprise!!!! He's able to stay for a couple days and keep helping!!
Looking forward to:  Moving in to our new house and getting through these next couple of insane weeks!!! :-) :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A large cabbage. Weird one, yes;)
Total weight gain/loss:  Still the 16 pounds as of the last doc appt a couple weeks ago- will get a better update at my appt next week!
Maternity clothes? Sure.... when I'm out... at home, it's more like Jason's shirts and sweats.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Not awesome- SUPER achy the last few nights. 
Best moment this week:  Doing our final walk-through on our house and picking out flooring and paint colors!!!
Miss anything? Raw cookie dough.
Movement: Tons still- some of it is getting quite hurtful, but most of it is still fun;)
Food cravings: Fruity candy.  Want. It.
Symptoms: Sciatica, achy/uncomfortableness, peeing all the time...
Showing? I must be huge, because people have been randomly super helpful lately.
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Trying to mentally adjust to all the adjustments our lives are about to experience!
Emotions: Excited and terrified at all that's about to happen in these next 3 weeks!!!  In 3 weeks, I have a super huge, super critical, super difficult interpreting certification test.  Trying to study as much as possible for that in my "spare" time- ha!  Also, we close on our house this Friday, and our lease ends on the 30th- lots to do in those 12 days to get the house ready and pack and get over there!:)  It's all gonna be crazy, but good stuff!
Learned this week:  That I passed my glucose tolerance test!!!! Wooooooot!!!!!!!
So thankful for:  Being pregnant- I'm honestly super over it, but I know it's a wonderful thing and I'll miss it one day!:)
Looking forward to:  Closing on our house this Friday!!!!   YAYY!!!  And Silas' birthday on Thursday!!!!!!
Other highlights:  I found out my husband's employees are going to throw us a baby shower!!! So touched and excited!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A butternut squash.
Total weight gain/loss:  16 pounds as of last week's appointment.
Maternity clothes?  Yes, and I'm missing my regular clothes;)
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep: Been getting SUPER uncomfortable.  Oh, third trimester, how fun you are.
Best moment this week: Getting my glucose tolerance test OVER with.
Miss anything? Having more energy and strength:/ 
Movement: Tons- I was thinking the other day how in the world to describe some of the wacky feelings- and I mean a lot of it feels like exactly what it is: knees and elbows pounding your insides; a little baby booty bouncing on your bladder.  But one that's harder to explain is when he's stretching or something and it's like when you blow up a pool float, and you keep thinking it's blown up all the way, but you keep blowing in it and random little spots pop full with more air and it just gets fuller and fuller.... yeah, that's how I feel sometimes when he's stretching and stuff;)
Food cravings: Sushi.  And funnel cakes.  And tea with honey.  Yeah, weird.
 Symptoms: Sciatica, restless legs, and that nasty food-crawling-up-my-throat feeling like I had in the 1st trimester. 
Showing? So this little girl (maybe 7ish) calls out to me "Hey, you're pregnant!"  Why yes, yes I sure hope so;)
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out? Out.
 Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Adjusted this blog background- am I the only one that found my last one to be unbearably annoying with all the little polka dots behind the text??  Or was that just pregnancy hormones?;)
Emotions: Ummm been a bit more emotional lately... doesn't take much to bring on the water works, whether happy or sad lol;)  Poor Jason;)
Learned this week: So thankful for:  Air conditioning!  Holy heat, Greenville!
Looking forward to:  Finding out if I passed my glucose tolerance test or not!

Monday, June 30, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A large eggplant... according to babycenter of course.... but I would like to second the large part ;-)
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and even they are getting tight... you know you're in the 3rd trimester when that happens;-)
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Well I was at my SIL's for most of the week and well... going to bed at a decent time may have been low on my priority list... ;-)
Best moment this week: Seeing my almost-3-yr-old nephew's eyes light up when he felt my belly as the baby kicked!
Miss anything?  I missed my hubby as he was gone with my SIL's hubby on a business trip.  Random fact, I always re-read the corresponding week from this blog from back when I was pregnant with Silas...and on my 28 week post with him, Jason had also been gone on a business trip!  
Movement: Still tons, and some of it's getting a little weird/tickle-y feeling and some of it's even a little scratchy-feeling... yeah, not the most comfortable thing in the world;)
Food cravings:  Lobster and sushi.  Don't ask me.
Symptoms:  Sciatica, and that nasty feeling like food is always crawling back up my throat from my stomach like I had in the first trimester.  Yeah, it's as gross as it sounds.
Showing?  So, true story: I dropped a bunch of ice in a gas station (don't ask) and as I'm trying to clean it up the worker guy comes over all frantic and with this thick accent is like "Ma'am!  Ma'am!  Don't do that, let me do that- I don't want you to deliver your baby!  I'd rather clean this up than deliver your baby."  So yeah, I'm showing. ;)
Gender:  It's a boy!
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting to this big belly... I keep bumping it into things and just generally under-estimating it's size;)  But it makes a great lap tray.  Score.
Emotions: Excited!  And terrified!! Haha!;)
Learned this week:  That a friend just named her baby the name me and Jason had just about decided on.... But she lives far away... sooooo.... to stick with it or keep looking for another??  Decisions decisions.... 
So thankful for: My SIL and her help and the fun we could have this week while our hubby's were gone!
Looking forward to:  Getting my glucose screening test done this Thursday and having that behind me:p

Monday, June 23, 2014

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A head of cauliflower.
Total weight gain/loss: It's been a few weeks since my last doc appointment and weight check- so the 12 pounds gained at that point, plus the 300 I've gained in the last 3 weeks;)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, and today I literally declared to my husband that I was torn because this crazy heat makes me want to wear my maternity dresses and skirts, but then I would look extra weird if I didn't do my make-up... soooo to do my make-up and be cooler.... or be warmer and not have to do my make-up... decisions, decisions;) 
Stretch marks? Not yet...but so itchy!:/
Sleep: Got quite a few GREAT nights of sleep last week thanks to my fabulous in-laws taking Silas on a trip to Atlanta last week to visit my SIL's fam!!:)
Best moment this week:  Having such a nice break for a few days while Silas was with my in-laws.  I got to catch up on much needed rest and lots of stuff on my to-do list.  Jason and I had some much needed dates too!!  It was a huge blessing after these last few crazy months, and before these next few crazy months hit too!
Miss anything? Running not pregnant, in the not 800 degree weather, and without pushing a jogging stroller.  Yeah, those were the days;)
Movement: Still tons, and the baby has had several rounds of hiccups lately too!
Food cravings:  Bagels and cream cheese!  And you don't even want to know about the mammoth sized cream cheese container I got at Sam's Club;):)
Symptoms:  Sciatica, round ligament pains (grow belly grow:P ), achy back, Braxton Hicks, and a general feeling of weakness.  Ah the impending doom of the 3rd trimester coming;) 
Showing?  I'd say so.
Gender:  He's a he! :)
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments? Trying to mentally adjust and prepare for the 3rd trimester that's about to hit;)
Emotions:  So excited for having an infant again!!! Can't wait for the newborn smells and snuggles!  Also a little terrified at ALL that is going on in these next few months: we're suppose to close on our house on July 18th, have a ton of work to do on it before our lease ends on July 30th, are suppose to also pack and move in that time of doing all that work, AND I'm taking a super huge, critical interpreter's certification exam in Atlanta on August 4th.  Holy cow.  And oh yeah, get ready for this baby too;)
Learned this week:  That deciding on a name this time around is going to be QUITE the challenge;)
So thankful for:  The amazing break my in-laws gave me and Jason:)
Looking forward to:  Going to my SIL's in Atlanta on Wedneday!!
 Other highlights:  Silas has suddenly become more interested in and aware of the "baby in mommy's belly"- someone asked him where mommy's baby was and he totally came over and patted my belly (and also lifted his shirt and checked out his own belly LOL).  He's also come over randomly throughout the day to pat and snuggle my belly.  So precious!:)