Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 35

How far along? 35 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A coconut.
Total weight gain/loss:  1/2 pound, which I think was really allll Baby Hart's gain.... uff da!  23 1/2 lbs. total.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Not sure which wakes me up more now- needing to pee or the aches in my hips and legs:P
Best moment this week:  Completing 8 months of pregnancy and beginning #9!  
Miss anything? Not hurting;)
Movement: Lots- Baby Hart decided to explore a few different positions this week, which meant his usual kicks and squirms in my ribs ended up being in different places- mainly, right on my bladder.  Glad to say he's back to the knees and squirms being in my ribs;)
Food cravings:  Skittles.  I've eaten a LOT of skittles lately;)
Symptoms:  Just a week ago I was all like "Yeah feeling great, woo hoo..."  This week the uncomfortableness has struck!  My lower back and hips are superly hurting, and I've definitely embraced the pregnancy waddle.  Yay for my sweet hubby's foot and back rubs and help around the house!
Showing?  Umm yes I think so;)
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out?  Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, though yes, I forgot to wear it when we took this picture.  Woops:)
Adjustments?  Had a great chiropractic adjustment this week that helped a lot with the back pain.... for a couple days;)
Emotions: Happy and so excited- with a bit of grumpiness over the uncomfortableness;)
Learned this week:  That everything I've heard about the "uncomfortable stage" of the 3rd trimester is true.  And I know it's not even at its worse yet:P
So thankful for:  Prenatal yoga!  It's been so helpful all along but especially now...
Looking forward to:  Getting a prenatal massage on Monday!  And hitting full-term next Friday!:)
Other highlights:  I'm so excited about Baby Hart's arrival- and having baby stuff around the house is making it even more exciting!!!  Here's the swing we got from my parents- love it!:

And here's the adorable bouncer seat from my lil brother and his wife:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 34

How far along? 34 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A butternut squash.
Total weight gain/loss:  2 more pounds this week for 23 total gained.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I'm finding myself wearing the same few comfortable things over and over and....
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Been sleeping super, which seems strange, but I'm not complaining:)
Best moment this week:  When my hubby got back from his LAST- thank goodness!- business trip before baby:)
Miss anything? Had to miss my hubby AGAIN because of another business trip.
Movement: Yes he's still quite the active guy- it's so fun at this stage to be able to figure out his napping/playtime routines:)
Food cravings:  Just still having a very big appetite.  
Symptoms:  Overall feeling very super, though the lower back is definitely starting to take a toll.
Showing? Umm YES and I love how random strangers in public feel like they can tell me how huge I am :P  Nice.
Gender:  Baby Harts a lil boy:)
Belly button in or out?  It's pretty much an outie now;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting, still ;), to the ever-growing belly.  Sorry Baby Hart for the times I've underestimated it's size;)
Emotions: Been getting out of the freak-out stage and into the just plain stinkin' excited phase:)
Learned this week:  That Target gives you a "10% off whatever's left on your baby registry" coupon- wooooot!  I knew Babies-R-Us did, but did not know Target did too!  YAYYY blessings!
So thankful for:  Getting such 10% off coupons in the mail this week:)  
Looking forward to:  Using said coupons ASAP to get everything else we need from our registries!:)
Other highlights:  Running through this pregnancy may end up being one of my proudest accomplishments ever- it has not been easy, but only a lil bit left to go!

Several weeks ago on the way to an ultrasound I heard a song on the radio that made me think of Baby Hart; and I then proceeded to cry throughout it;)  I tried and tried when I was home then to find the name and singer online, but couldn't even remember the specific enough lyrics (ahhh pregnancy brain).  I eventually gave up hope of finding it; but this week as I was listening to Pandora I heard it again!  I then proceeded to of course get the name of it, look it up on YouTube, and listen to it several times through more said tears:)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 33

How far along? 33 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A Durian (yeah... I'd never heard of that either;) )
Total weight gain/loss:  No change this week so still at 21 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Absolutely.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Been pretty decent considering all the potty breaks;)
Best moment this week:  My baby shower at church!
Miss anything? My hubby who had to go away for work again:(
Movement: Yes- lotsa rolling and stretching and such:)  And lotsa hiccups!  Too cute!
Food cravings:  Food.  That's right.
Symptoms:  Been feeling really well, but the back is starting to get a bit sore from the extra work load.
Showing? Ha. Ha.  Yes;)
Gender:  Lil boy:)
Belly button in or out?  Both.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting our "to get for baby" list now that our showers are done:):)
Emotions: Well I started crying in the car after not having the appropriate coupon at our grocery store this week.  That says enough;)
Learned this week:  Learned a lot from some great conversations with mom-friends... none of what I learned needs to be shared here;)  *shudder* 
So thankful for:  It being flip-flop season:)  While being so pregnant in the summer certainly has it's negatives, flip flops are not one of them!
Looking forward to:  Getting a prenatal massage and pedicure, both of which I have gift certificates for and just need to actually do:)
Other highlights:  Remember that 100 day countdown we started back in week 26? Well this week we crossed the 50 day mark, and are officially more than halfway done with that countdown!

And here are some pics from my church shower!

Me with the fantastic ladies who put it all together:

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Week 32

How far along? 32 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A squash.
Total weight gain/loss:  2 more pounds this week for 21 total.
Maternity clothes?  Yes, and starting to experience near "pants of the ground" from the stretchy part not quite holding on enough;)
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Been good, and I'm trying to appreciate each night of it before it's over;)
Best moment this week:  Having my older brother and his family come visit!
Miss anything? Having normal or no dreams would be nice;)
Movement: Yups, been keeping up the same active pace!
Food cravings:  Cheesy New York style pizza.
Symptoms:  Been feeling really good; still got the pregnancy brain full force though;)
Showing? Oh, yes.
Gender:  Baby Hart's a boy.
Belly button in or out? Mostly out... still stubbornly partly in;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Adjusting to the big belly still.  
Emotions: Been getting a bit more calm and less anxious... but a bit more edgy too.... weird?
Learned this week:  Got a lot of great advice from my sis-in-law this week and learned a lot from her!
So thankful for:  A healthy pregnancy so far... been especially reminded lately how precious this is.
Looking forward to:  My church baby shower this Sunday!!!
Other highlights:  It was sooo great to meet my lil' niece Naomi and enjoy rare time with my adorable nephew Jonah!  Seeing such a cute lil boy definitely got me and Jason even more excited about having our own lil boy!