Monday, August 11, 2014

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A cantaloupe.
Total weight gain/loss:  Didn't change at all from this appointment and the one a couple weeks ago, so still at 19 gained.
Maternity clothes?  And even they are getting tight. Ah, home stretch ;-)
Stretch marks?  Pretty sure yes, a couple.  Relieving in a strange way to see since I've felt like my belly's about to bust ;-)
Sleep:  So awful, so so awful.  Lots of pee breaks.  Lots of waking up in absolute pain, no not discomfort, pain from being in the same position for too long (even though it's only been like an hr since I last woke up and moved positions).  Then the roll of death to get on my other side, that takes way more time and energy than it should haha ;-)
Best moment this week: Celebrating Jason's birthday- both he and Silas' birthday celebrations this year have been super simple and laid back, and it's honestly been really special and extra fun to celebrate them more "creatively";) and with less stress and business:)
Miss anything? Raw cookie dough.  Having energy.  Being able to sleep.  Caffeine in unlimited quantities.  Being able to bend. 
Movement:  Lots still, though not quite as much as has been- not in a bad way, just in a I-think-he's-getting-crowded way;)
Food cravings:  Pepsi- During the move I may have gotten a couple fountain drinks (crazy, cause I'm NOT a soda drinker), and now I'm stuck with Pepsi cravings;)
Symptoms:  Can spilling things be a symptom?
Showing?  I don't know why but little kids always seem to have to say something.  And for some reason it always bugs me;)  This week, a random strange lil girl looks at me and out of the blue goes "So, I take it you're pregnant."  I was like "I hope so."
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out?  Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting to the bigger belly- I may be bumping the lil guy into stuff frequently:P
Emotions: Freaking out.  Jason and I had a moment of complete panic attack last Saturday morning at breakfast at how much we have to do before the mister comes.  Since Silas was 2 weeks early, we're trying to be more prepared for an early arrival ;)  So we made a to-do list for each day this week with the most important things to get done each day.  Let the "nesting" aka "yikes, holy cow, we're having a baby soon" mode begin!
Learned this week:  I feel like I just "learned" I'm pregnant.  Like, I've known it to this point, sure.  But now that the move and certification test are behind me, I feel like I really just "learned" that I'm pregnant.  Time to get busy;)
So thankful for:  A college friend and her mom came last Thursday to help me clean/unpack and she even brought some freezer meals!! Such a blessing and SO neat to catch up again with her!!  I also got to see a friend I knew from childhood and her family!!  So neat to reunite, and see our kidlets play together!!
Looking forward to:  Getting the nursery set up!

1 comment:

  1. "I hope so." Awesome. :) I'm glad you are maintaining your sense of humor! What is it about being in public that makes people say stupid things?? :)

    Also, I totally remember the 'roll of death' - oh, so hard to roll over at this stage - you're so close!! Hang in there!! :)
