Tuesday, July 8, 2014

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A butternut squash.
Total weight gain/loss:  16 pounds as of last week's appointment.
Maternity clothes?  Yes, and I'm missing my regular clothes;)
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep: Been getting SUPER uncomfortable.  Oh, third trimester, how fun you are.
Best moment this week: Getting my glucose tolerance test OVER with.
Miss anything? Having more energy and strength:/ 
Movement: Tons- I was thinking the other day how in the world to describe some of the wacky feelings- and I mean a lot of it feels like exactly what it is: knees and elbows pounding your insides; a little baby booty bouncing on your bladder.  But one that's harder to explain is when he's stretching or something and it's like when you blow up a pool float, and you keep thinking it's blown up all the way, but you keep blowing in it and random little spots pop full with more air and it just gets fuller and fuller.... yeah, that's how I feel sometimes when he's stretching and stuff;)
Food cravings: Sushi.  And funnel cakes.  And tea with honey.  Yeah, weird.
 Symptoms: Sciatica, restless legs, and that nasty food-crawling-up-my-throat feeling like I had in the 1st trimester. 
Showing? So this little girl (maybe 7ish) calls out to me "Hey, you're pregnant!"  Why yes, yes I sure hope so;)
Gender:  Boy!
Belly button in or out? Out.
 Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Adjusted this blog background- am I the only one that found my last one to be unbearably annoying with all the little polka dots behind the text??  Or was that just pregnancy hormones?;)
Emotions: Ummm been a bit more emotional lately... doesn't take much to bring on the water works, whether happy or sad lol;)  Poor Jason;)
Learned this week: So thankful for:  Air conditioning!  Holy heat, Greenville!
Looking forward to:  Finding out if I passed my glucose tolerance test or not!

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