Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week 31

How far along? 31 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of: A pineapple.
Total weight gain/loss:  No change this week so still at  19 gained.
Maternity clothes?  Yeppers.
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep: Was fantastic while we were gone on our Babymoon- been a bit more rough since coming home... I miss that King size bed...:)
Best moment this week:  Going on our Babymoon!  It was so relaxing and enjoyable!
Miss anything? Medium cooked steak.  I said it.
Movement: Oh yes, he's keeping up the activity for sure.  Had a kick in my rib this week that definitely went in the OUCH category!
Food cravings:  Ice cream.
Symptoms:  Sore, swollen feet after being on them for a while... which really isn't even that long of a while...
Showing? Yes, and though no weight difference this week the belly definitely looks different- I think he's scooting down a bit!
Gender:  Baby Hart's all boy:)
Belly button in or out? Almost all the way an outie.... won't be long now;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Adjusting to all the free time since I'm done at my job!  Enjoying all the time I can use now to focus on baby prep!
Emotions: Anxious... excited... and some more anxious;)
Learned this week:  That if I go down the worry path now I could be forever on it...
So thankful for:  Being done at my job, and becoming a stay at home mom!
Looking forward to:  My brother and his family visiting next week!  And meeting my new lil niece!!!
Other highlights:  Here are pics of the nursery so far- lots to still get/do; but I can't believe a week and half ago it was just a pile of stuff!

Lining it with Con-Tact paper took me a while... so I had to snag a pic;)

Ta-da!  Cute lil baby clothes, washed and ready for the lil man!

So excited about this closet organizer my amazing hair dresser got us!!!


  1. Glad you are doing well, Emily! The baby's nursery looks so sweet! It won't be long now - you'll be able to sit in that room and rock your precious baby to sleep. Enjoy every minute of it! I think it is great that you are documenting throughout your pregnancy. You think you'll remember everything, but you won't. Same with all the day-to-day things that your baby will do and say. Write them down! You'll be glad you did!

  2. Thanks Susan!!! I'm already regretting not writing down more of this experience! It's going so quickly!!:)

  3. So sweet! You are just completely adorable! Praying you can rest better and don't feel too uncomfortable - it is crazy how close it's getting!! :) If your feet are swollen, SIT DOWN!! Take it easy now and don't worry about the cleaning and all!! :)
