Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 29

How far along?
 29 weeks
Baby Hart is the size of: An acorn squash.
Total weight gain/loss:  Stayed the same this week; still at 17 lbs. total gained. 
Maternity clothes?  Yes, and while normally I don't like dressing up at all, I've been finding myself in skirts a lot more to ease the discomfort of the heat!
Stretch marks? Not yet, but starting to feel like my sides are splitting....;)
Sleep: Been waking up more often... prolly something I need to get used to;)
Best moment this week:  I got my first mother's day card from my grandparents:)  Also, the week began with another great doc appointment!
Miss anything? Especially missing my dear friends, Brittany and Rikki, who were going to come in from out of state/town this weekend, but sicknesses caused other plans:( 
Movement:  It's still been a blast!  Enjoying all the somersaults, slides, kicks, pokes, hiccups, etc. 
Food cravings:  Haven't really been having any specific strong cravings; but still having a bigger appetite!
Symptoms:  Leg cramps are a new one I've been dealing with- the worst is when it wakes me up at night:/
Showing? The comments crack me up- depending on who's making them, where I'm at, and what I'm wearing, they range from, "Wow you're really poking out" to "You look smaller today".  I will admit, having some nasty drunk man yell "Stay away from the buffet" to me at a baseball game was a little less than entertaining:P
Gender:  Baby Hart's a lil man:)
Belly button in or out? Still half-n-half-ish;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Been adjusting the mountain of stuff in the nursery to give it some semblance of order;)
Emotions I must admit, I've been a bit more weepy/gloomy lately!  Hmmm, hormones...
Learned this week:  I learned a TON this week, as we took our birth/parenting classes.  WOW info overload!  For one thing I learned that baby powder, yes BABY powder, is no longer considered safe for babies!  What???!
So thankful for:  Fixing our AC! Also, for passing my glucose tolerance test:)
Looking forward to:  My next baby shower, later today!
Other highlights:  Our birth/parenting class really was fantastic, though with all I learned I definitely felt the weight of all I still have to learn/do.  But the class was absolutely helpful; the best part was getting to tour Erlanger Women's East, the hospital where we plan to go.  It's a very NICE hospital, with a seemingly fantastic staff, and great birthing suites- they truly have more of a hotel-ish feel than a hospital feel!  Here's a link that has some pics.

1 comment:

  1. HA HA on the baby powder, lol! :) Yeah, I've never used it - but I have had a dr. recommend it for Davey's neck folds when they were icky. :) So excited for your awesome hospital!!OH, that would be so nice not to have to move rooms between labor and recovery!! Looks awesome! :) Glad you passed your sugar test! :) I know you said you've been wearing skirts, but if those aren't the most comfy, what I lived in last summer were gauchos - you know what I mean, those loose coolott-y capris? Anyway, they were SO comfy before and especially after Davey was born! :)
