Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 27

How far along? 27 weeks
Baby Hart is the size of: A cauliflower.
Total weight gain/loss: One more pound, so 14 pounds gained.
Maternity clothes? Yeppers.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Been pretty decent actually- I think I'm getting used to the bathroom breaks and kicks from Baby Hart;)
Best moment this week:   My first baby shower!!  It was at work, and was a blast! (some pics of it will be at the end of this blog:) )
Miss anything? Allergy meds.
Movement:  Been feeling a lot more full-body stuff and sliding of elbows, knees, etc!
Food cravings:  Sweets are still my fave;)
Symptoms:  Sciatic nerve pain, and toes in my ribs;)
Showing?  Um yes;)  Enough that now people have no fear of asking me "when the baby is due", etc... I was totally mean to someone a couple weeks ago and pretended I wasn't actually pregnant;);)  bwuahahhaa;)  After the initial shock/gulp reaction, I burst out laughing and said July 27th;)
Gender:  Baby Hart is a boy:)
Belly button in or out? Still half-n-half-ish;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  I've been forgetting I have a big baby belly- so I keep bumping Baby Hart into stuff;)  So I guess I'm adjusting to this belly;)
Emotions: Happy and excited mixed with some overwhelmed/panicky moments!
Learned this week:  That I need to get nursery furniture asap so I can do something about all the stuff piled in there;)
So thankful for:  All the wonderful presents I've gotten!
Looking forward to:  Getting thank-you cards done;)
Other highlights:  My fantabulous friend that I've known my whole life came to visit from PA this week!  I got to meet her new baby girl, which was so amazing!  Her daughter is super calm and happy, so I definitely got spoiled;)  Wonder if Baby Hart will be that way?;)  It was great to get a lot of advice from my friend who is a WONDERFUL mommy herself!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, so cute - just everything, SO cute!!! :) I am SOOOOO excited for you!!! :) Was going to say about the allergy meds - my dr. said it was fine for me to take Claritin still when I was pregnant - I took it through all of my pregnancies. But maybe your dr. feels differently, just thought I'd bring it up - I couldn't take Benadryl or cold meds, just Claritin (loratadine is the generic name). SO mean to pretend you're not pregnant, lol! And LOVE hearing about the movement - probably the only thing I will miss about being pregnant... :)
