Monday, June 16, 2014

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks
Baby Hart is the size of: A scallion.
Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds as of a couple weeks ago.
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I'm kind of getting over it;)
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: Great last night, and should be great the next few nights- my in-laws took Silas with them to Atlanta for a few days to visit my sis-in-law's family!  Yay for actually sleeping IN!!!
Best moment this week: Going to the Biltmore Estate with Jason on father's day and getting to do it kid-free thanks to my in-laws!
Miss anything? Not having the fear of heartburn when deciding what to eat;)
Movement: Almost always!  It's the fun moving stage too- not hurting (much) yet and just fascinating scoots and flips and slides...
Food cravings: Chocolate/sweets.
Symptoms:  Sciatica, heartburn, and a huge loss of balance;)
Showing? Yes- and interesting tid-bit: When I'm out with Silas I never get the sweet comments from strangers about it, but being out without Silas I get tons, like, "Oh, congrats!!" (with the awkward belly-point) or "You must be sooo excited!!".  Just interesting... I don't know it it's the "if it's your second it's not as exciting" philosophy or maybe just people think I'm a baby hoarder?;)
Gender:  It's a boy!!!
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments? Might get a chiropractic adjustment while I have this Silas-free time;)  The belly is really starting to pull on the back!
Emotions: Excited, and a lil apprehensive about how quickly time is going and all the huge things going on before this guy comes!
Learned this week: That my pregnancy to-do list is MUCH different this time around then it was with Silas;)  My, how the 2nd pregnancy is night and day from the first!
So thankful for:  This break! I've gotten to rest and catch up on lots of important things, and still have a few more days of it!  So grateful!
Looking forward to: Snuggling my lil guy!!!  Can't wait for those newborn cuddles!!!


  1. Lol at the Scallion - really? How big is a scallion? :) Also Interesting that people only give you sweet comments when you don't have Silas with you - huh?? That is a weird phenomenon!! Pretty soon, when you have two, they'll be saying things like, "Oh, you have your hands full."

    1. LOL I know, right?? I was like, a scallion??? really??? There's no other piece of produce out there that coulda worked this week??;) Oh wow I better get ready for those comments too!:p
