Tuesday, April 15, 2014

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  An onion.  Not the cutest comparison ever;)
Total weight gain/loss: Still the 3 pounds I know of from my last doc visit, will get an updated weight check at my appointment next week!
Maternity clothes? Yes, and I've discovered that since I was employed at a school during my last pregnancy, I don't have a lot of good "stay at home mom" maternity clothes.  I have lots of nice pants and dress shirts.  So I'm wearing Jason's shirts a lot already;)
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep: Sleep is definitely starting to hurt:/
Best moment this week: Not being able to get x-rays at my dental visit today.... one of the only nice rules of being pregnant;)
Miss anything? Being able to take allergy medicine.  The pollen here is unreal. 
Movement: Yes, lots of it!! And I even could feel it on the outside this week too!  Haven't gotten Jason to feel it yet, but hopefully soon!
Food cravings:  Sweets and french fries.
Symptoms:  Sciatica, still.  Feet getting unbearably sore after barely being on them.
Showing?  Yes, and today was the first day strangers out in public felt brave enough to congratulate me and ask how far along I was:)  The cruel side of me wanted to act aghast and say I wasn't pregnant, but I'm not really that cruel over-all;)
Gender:  Started thinking boy more this week.
Belly button in or out?  In.... technically;)  Getting less-in ;)
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting positions of sleep a lot in the night.... all 2 of them;) Which side to crunch next, that is the question.
Emotions:  Super pumped and excited!  When I made my next dental appointment after mine today, I talked about how my hubby would have to watch my kid.... then realized it would be kidS! :)
Learned this week:  That I need a whole mocha-lotta more protein during pregnancy.  I've known I need more calories/more food/lotsa nutrients but I didn't know the main thing I need to nearly double-up on is pure protein.
So thankful for: The resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Saviour!!  I am so excited about Easter, I could bust!!!  What an amazing celebration of life, and I'm SO grateful that Jesus died and rose for my son and baby!!!
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender!!!!!!!!!! SO soon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adjusting positions...all 2 of them...bahaha! You're too funny! I hated that part of being pregnant! Yay for not getting xrays and finding out the gender soon!! Can't wait!
