Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 36

How far along? 36 weeks.
Baby Hart is the size of:  A honeydew- which I'm ironically eating right now...;)
Total weight gain/loss:  2 more pounds gained for  25 1/2 lbs. total.
Maternity clothes? Yes and I've been thinking about how fun it will be when I fit back into my regular clothes... like a massive free shopping trip...
Stretch marks? Not yet... lotsa  mineral-oil-free cocoa butter...  but who knows what these last few weeks will bring....
Sleep: Better this week.
Best moment this week:  On Monday I had a "me" day (prolly the last one for a long time!) and superly enjoyed a prenatal massage, ton of Chinese food, and girly movies all day.  It was fantabulous:)
Miss anything? Laying on my tummy.
Movement: It's been a lot more "muffled"- as he's getting crowded in there!  But still lotsa twisting and stretching and stuff:)
Food cravings:  Chocolate ice cream/milkshakes.
Symptoms:  A bit more comfortable this week, but still some back/hip pain, and the sciatic nerve has been HATEFUL to me.
Showing?  Just a bit, yeah;)
Gender:  Boy:)
Belly button in or out?  So out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting to how quickly time is going!:)
Emotions: So excited... and a lot more humbled/grateful/and burdened since...
Learned this week:  ...I learned this week that some friends of ours 18 month old daughter has cancer.  In the last couple weeks it seems there's been a lot of news of sick/passing of lil ones and tragedies in pregnancies.  I have been so saddened, weeping with those who weep.... and also feeling especially grateful for the health in my family.  So reminded of how fragile life is...   please join me in prayers for these friends!
So thankful for:  So, so many things... but a specific thing from this week- getting our car seat/stroller and having a great coupon to use for it!
Looking forward to:  Getting our prenatal pics done next Monday:)
Other highlights: We took our Infant/Child/Adult CPR class this week.  It was great and kinda scary lol!  After I left I found myself scanning wherever I was for people laying on the ground, just in case, I was ready;):)


  1. Lol youre so cute pregnant!!! I loved the "ironically im eating one of these right now" haha and that youre belly button is "so out"! ;)

  2. Ooh, prenatal pictures? So fun!! You will be glad you got them done!! :) LOL about the CPR class - good idea! :) Joel has his lifeguard/CPR/First Aid certification, so I just hope he's home if something goes wrong. :)
