Baby Hart is the size of: A coconut.
Total weight gain/loss: 1/2 pound, which I think was really allll Baby Hart's gain.... uff da! 23 1/2 lbs. total.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Not sure which wakes me up more now- needing to pee or the aches in my hips and legs:P
Best moment this week: Completing 8 months of pregnancy and beginning #9!
Miss anything? Not hurting;)
Movement: Lots- Baby Hart decided to explore a few different positions this week, which meant his usual kicks and squirms in my ribs ended up being in different places- mainly, right on my bladder. Glad to say he's back to the knees and squirms being in my ribs;)
Food cravings: Skittles. I've eaten a LOT of skittles lately;)
Symptoms: Just a week ago I was all like "Yeah feeling great, woo hoo..." This week the uncomfortableness has struck! My lower back and hips are superly hurting, and I've definitely embraced the pregnancy waddle. Yay for my sweet hubby's foot and back rubs and help around the house!
Showing? Umm yes I think so;)
Showing? Umm yes I think so;)
Gender: Boy:)
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, though yes, I forgot to wear it when we took this picture. Woops:)
Wedding rings on or off? On, though yes, I forgot to wear it when we took this picture. Woops:)
Adjustments? Had a great chiropractic adjustment this week that helped a lot with the back pain.... for a couple days;)
Emotions: Happy and so excited- with a bit of grumpiness over the uncomfortableness;)
Learned this week: That everything I've heard about the "uncomfortable stage" of the 3rd trimester is true. And I know it's not even at its worse yet:P
So thankful for: Prenatal yoga! It's been so helpful all along but especially now...
Looking forward to: Getting a prenatal massage on Monday! And hitting full-term next Friday!:)