Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 25

How far along? 25 weeks
Baby Hart is the size of: An eggplant... though I'm sure he's still ahead of schedule of growth!
Total weight gain/loss: Added another 2 pounds for 13 total gained.
Maternity clothes? You better believe it.
Stretch marks? Nope but been going through the cocoa butter like crazzzzy.
Sleep: Been getting a lil uncomfy with the belly!
Best moment this week: Easter, and the overwhelming thought that Christ died and rose again for my son!!!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my belly.... though I rarely did before, now that I can't have it, I want it!
Movement:  I'm pretty sure he's gone from kicks to full body slams!;)
Food cravings: Mashed potatoes. 
Symptoms:  Lower back/hip pain... shouldn't have missed that last chiropractor appt!
Showing? Yes indeedy.
Gender:  Baby Hart is a boy:)
Belly button in or out? Half and half;)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Adjustments?  Adjusting to needing to go to the bathroom so often;) 
Emotions: Super excited and happy... and a lil bit freakin' out;)
Learned this week:  That Tums may just become my new best friend.
So thankful for: God sending His Son to die for mine.
Looking forward to:  Going to the chiropractor TOMORROW!:)  Also, Wednesday will start the 100 day countdown to the due date!!!!
Other highlights:  We got our first gift off our baby registry this week in the mail from a precious friend I used to work with at Starbucks!!!!   She got us the baby front/back carrier from Target, and I LOVE looking at it picturing Baby Hart in it!! Soooo sweet!!!!


  1. Wow, only 100 days??? So exciting!!! :) So fun to have the baby carrier on hand - yay!! :) You have really popped out in the last couple of weeks - so exciting!!! :)

  2. Okay, looking at the pics, I take that back - you have popped out a lot in the last WEEK!!! :) Super cute!!!
